Meet George Kedenburg III, Interactive Designer at Purple, Rock, Scissors in Downtown Orlando. (He’s also one of our pals over at Ad2 Orlando.) The featured image is a type treatment for an upcoming Purple, Rock, Scissors video blog featuring their [awesome] friends at Mama’s Sauce.
Mr. Kedenburg was kind enough to share a few resources, favorite designers, and current tunes.
Who are some of your favorite type designers?
“I’m a huge fan of H&FJ, House Industries, HVD Fonts and of course all of the contributors to the Lost Type Co-op. As far as letterers go, I am always blown away by people like Jessica Hische, Jon Contino, and Sean McCabe.”
What’s your process for creating typographic treatment?
“I believe that half of the message that’s being spoken by the copy is conveyed through the choice of typeface, so I take my typography really seriously. A mentor of mine once told me that (I’m paraphrasing this badly) “you’re only as good as your type is.” I take a lot of time at the beginning of a project trying a lot of typefaces until I find anywhere from 3-10 that I think might work. From there, I do a lot of iteration and experimentation with treatment, hierarchy, etc. I get it down to a few solid options and then start showing other people to see if they are feeling it. Usually, through that process there is a stand out option that I’ll refine just a little bit more to make it complete.”
Where do you find inspiration?
“Inspiration comes from a lot of places. I am a self-proclaimed type nerd, and by that I mean that I find myself being constantly aware of type I see in my daily life. As far as specific inspiration, I peruse Dribbble, Quipsoligies, Awwwards, and Fonts In Use. I also check in on Designer News at least three times a day.”
Music you’re listening to while designing?
“My music tastes are all over the place, but lately I’ve been rocking to Wayne’s new album I Am Not A Human Being 2, JT’s 20/20 Experience, Kavinsky’s Outrun and Flux Pavillion’s Blow the Roof.”
You can see more of his work here.
Each Tuesday we’ll feature a designer who loves type or a type that designers love. If you would like to be featured in Type Tuesday, send your portfolio or website link and a short bio to