AIGA Eye on Design Presents: What’s the Role of TV Branding in the Streaming Age?

*Rescheduled* Wednesday, August 10
11:00 a.m. ET / 8:00 a.m. PT
Zoom Webinar with Q&A

Today, what you watch says a lot about who you are. In our current time of Peak TV, you can tell a lot about someone if they’re a Game of Thrones fan vs. a devotee to Netflix’s “Strong Female Lead”. And the design of TV has the power to shape cultural moments: the costumes from Handmaid’s Tale became the symbol for health care bill protests, and a simple typeface used for Stranger Things spurred inter-generational nostalgia. Arguably, the rise of streaming has not only led to better writing, but better branding, than ever before. In this panel conversation, we’ll speak with the designers behind TV’s best title sequences and costume designs—as well as directors and marketers of favorite shows—to better understand what it means for a TV show to be a brand and not just mere entertainment. 

Nonmember: $15
AIGA Member: $5

A recording of this session will be available to ticketholders post-event.
When & Where
Wed, Aug 10, 2022 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
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