Happy New Year! We are looking forward to yet another wonderful year creating a community where design thrives!
Recent Happenings
Last year ended on a high note with our Bowl Your Socks Off Social thanks to all who attended. We had a blast!

We also kicked off our 2017 Mentorship Program. Congratulations to all of our mentees! We can’t wait to see what you create this year.

Upcoming Events
Re:Solutions 2017 – Saturday, February 4 – 9:00am-5:00pm – Church Street Exchange Building
Re:Solutions is a one-day conference dedicated to re:starting the new year inspired, informed, and re:invigorated. In the morning, re:charge your creativity in one of three hands-on workshops with designer and illustrator, Adam Grason, Jack Elkins of the Orlando Magic, and Adobe XD. Then in the afternoon, re:engage your mind as you glean from the knowledge and experience of four key speakers: Mark Unger of Push, Cole NeSmith of The Creative City Project, Latanya Beauregard of Disney’s Yellow Shoes, and Alex Center of Coca-Cola. You don’t want to miss this awesome event! Get more information and register now here.