What defining moment stands out as a turning point or important decision in your design career? Having been rejected for the fledgling UCF Film Program back in 1990, I sat with a course catalog and read the descriptions about Graphic Design. I thought to myself, “I like that. I can do that.” Like grew into love.
Do you have any interesting rituals that are part of your process or work flow? Not sure how interesting, but I always try to work things out with pencil and paper first. Fast and loose to see if something has potential. I use anything available. I scribble on job bags, work orders, whatever is around. I’ve never kept a formal journal or sketchbook as much as I like the idea of having that. My process is scattered in the winds of Push.
Name a designer or artist you greatly admire, or are most inspired by, and why? There are plenty that I admire, clever guys like Allan Peters and Andy Baron; super cool guys like mcbess and Dan Cassaro. As far as type, Friends of Type are outstanding, doing things I could never. I’m always taken by Louise Fili. But overall day to day, I’m honestly inspired by the creative team at Push. From the vets to the noobs, everyday someone will knock your socks off.
What do you think Orlando needs most? A little more taste and a little more courage to take risks.
Check out Ron’s portfolio over on Dribbble.
Each Tuesday we’ll feature a designer who loves type or a type that designers love. If you would like to be featured in Type Tuesday, send your portfolio or website link and a short bio to socialmedia@orlando.aiga.org.