Type Tuesday – Kristy Pennino

Kristy Pennino is a professor and  Program Chair at Valencia College. She spends much of her time inspiring others to love type. She surrounds herself with the beautiful type others make (pictured) and would probably shape her hedges into letterforms if she didn’t have to answer to the HOA.

“Far too often we we find ourselves in a typographic rut. Relying on our safe zone habits of quickly searching pull-down menus for the right typeface. We get caught up in what we know just works following the law of form follows function. Those tiny little shapes on paper that form sounds, words, and meaning. It’s far too easy to forget type can be built, folded, photographed, projected, carved, stitched, cut, touched… and still function in the same way. What are you waiting for? Go make some type today!”

Each Tuesday we’ll feature a designer who loves type or a type that designers love. If you would like to be featured in Type Tuesday, send your portfolio or website link and a short bio to socialmedia@orlando.aiga.org.


By aigaorlando
Published April 16, 2013